A Short Guide to Restumping

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A Short Guide to Restumping

A Short Guide to Restumping

27 June 2023
, Blog

The thought of restumping your house might seem intimidating at first. But if you don't lose your head and take the time to understand what you need to know, it can be done and over without nearly as much fuss as you may have imagined.

Does your house need restumping?

Firstly, you need to ascertain whether or not restumping is something you really need to address. Are your windows and doors sticking? Do you have an uneven floor? Do your plaster walls have cracks? Does your glassware on the shelf clink whenever someone walks past? If so, it's time to get a professional opinion.

How does restumping work?

Restumping is the process of jacking up a house, i.e. removing and replacing the wooden stumps. This means that whichever restumper you choose will need to reset your floor levels. Just bear in mind that the movement could lead to damaged tiles, cracked plaster and warped doorframes. Today's replacement stumps tend to be concrete and should last longer than wooden ones.

If there are specific areas that need restumping, it's possible that you can have your house partially restumped. However, if you can visibly see that half of your stumps are decaying, there's a strong possibility that the rest won't last for much longer. A resting professional will be able to advise you on this.

What will it cost you?

There's no set answer to this. The rate will change based on such factors as the size of your house and where you live. The bill will be affected by the condition of the soil and the state of joists and bearers. The business is a competitive one, so you should aim to get multiple quotes, and then ask your preferred restumper if they'd be willing to match the lowest quote.

How do you find a restumper?

If you can get a personal recommendation, that's something you should explore. Just make sure that the restumper in question has the appropriate insurance and experience. 

If you don't have any personal recommendations, go online and search for restumpers and look for any available feedback or reviews. Also, check them out personally, such as making sure they've been trading under the same business name for a number of years. Once you've made up your mind on who to work with, the stumping process can begin, and your home will be well on its way to being a happy one once more.

For more information on restumping, contact a professional near you.

About Me
Things to Do Before the Removalists Arrive: A Moving Blog

If you are in the midst of the removals process, you likely need some tips to help you. Hi, my name is Elizabeth, and I have moved many times in my life. Because of that, I have learned to move quickly without sacrificing organisation or my sanity. If you want tips for a successful removals process, I invite you to explore my blog. I have been living in my current home for five years, the longest I have stayed in one place for decades, but now, I want to give my wanderlust an outlet by writing this blog. Besides writing, I also love reading, following politics and having friendly debates with my husband. I hope you enjoy these posts!
